“The 8 Keys to Veterans Success” is a voluntary partnership between post-secondary institutions and the Dept. of Education (DoE).
It provides steps institutions can take to assist veterans and service members in transitioning to higher education, completing their college program, and obtaining career-ready skills.
The 8 Keys:
- Create a culture of trust and connectedness across the campus community to promote well-being and success for veterans.
- Ensure consistent and sustained support from campus leadership.
- Implement an early alert system to ensure all veterans receive academic, career, and financial advice before challenges become overwhelming.
- Coordinate and centralize campus efforts for all veterans, together with the creation of a designated space for them (even if limited in size).
- Collaborate with local communities and organizations, including government agencies, to align and coordinate various services for veterans.
- Utilize a uniform set of data tools to collect and track information on veterans, including demographics, retention, and degree completion.
- Provide comprehensive professional development for faculty and staff on issues and challenges unique to veterans.
- Develop systems that ensure the sustainability of effective practices for veterans.
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